Techniques for Measuring the Effects of Advertising Campaign

Discuss the various strategies and techniques for measuring advertising campaign.

Techniques for Measuring the Effects of Advertising Campaign:

There are many advertising campaign effectiveness measurement techniques in use. These techniques are divided into classes and then evaluated or measured.

Classes of Measurement Techniques

Advertising campaign effectiveness measurement techniques can be classified as measuring cognitive response, effective response and conative response. A cognitive response measurement technique evaluates changes in subject’s knowledge; an effective response measurement technique measures dhanges in consumer’s attitudes towards a product; and a conative response measurement determines the action that consumers take towards a product.

Approach to Examining Measurement

In selecting each measurement technique, two related questions or approaches must be considered.

Does the measurement technique meet the criteria for measurement techniques i.e., is the technique accurate and valid?

The advertiser must select a measurement technique that measures the particular element to be evaluated.

The analysis of measurement techniques which- follows is designed to help in answering these questions.


Cognitive (Knowledge) Test

The responses measured by cognitive tests are the earliest stages of the hierarchy of effects. Some of these tests measure changes in the first or awareness stage by • determining how many people were exposed to the advertising campaign’s elements being tested e.g. media audience measures or physiological measurement.

Media Audience Measurement

Media audience measurement serves as an important technique for evaluating or measuring effectiveness of a media programme for an advertising campaign. The technique used to measure the audience of media vehicle varies from medium to medium. Therefore certain steps must be included in media audience measurement which are:

1. Design of measurement

2. Uses of audience measurement

3. Evaluation of audience measurement.

  1. Sampling error
  2. Distortion of estimates.

Physiological Measurement

A variety of laboratory measurement devices that record physical response to stimuli have been applied as advertising campaign measures. These tests are most often used to evaluate creative elements of an advertising campaign. The physiological measurement consists of the following steps:

  1. Design of the measurement
  2. Use of physiological measurement
  3. Evaluation of physiological measurement.

Affective (Attitude) Tests

Affective tests move to the liking and preference stages in the hierarchy. The responses measured are consumer’s attitudes towards companies products, and advertisements of advertising campaign.

The rationale behind these tests is that a favourable change in attitude towards a product means that a person will be more likely to buy that product. The affective tests are completed through the following steps:

Opinion Measurements

  1. Design of opinion measurements.

Consumer juries

Headline testing

  1. Evaluation of opinion measurements.

Attitude Measurements

  1. Design of attitude measurements
  2. Uses of attitude measurements
  3. Evaluation of attitude measurements.

Conative (Motive) Tests:                 i

Conative tests move one stage further along the hierarchy of effects arid measure the action that people take as a result of advertising campaign. Sometimes the action measured is actual purchase of the product, and sometimes the measurement is of some action prior to purchase or some action that is thought to stimulate purchase. The conative tests include different steps which are: 1. Inquiry Measurements –

  1. Design of inquiry tests
  2. Evaluation of inquiry tests
  3. Split-rum tests
  4. Theatre tests
  5. Split cable tests

Sales Analysis Measurements

Since the ultimate effects desired from an advertising campaign are purchase, sales, resold etc., hence if they can be related to advertising effort, it represents the most valuable measure at advertising campaign effectiveness. Sales analysis measurements are completed by the following steps.

Design of the sales measurement approach

Measuring consumer sales.

Evaluation of consumer sales measures.

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