The Impact of New Technology on Communication Theory

The Impact of New Technology on Communication Theory

In your view how does the new technology of communication influence mass communication theory and practice?  The Impact of New Technology on Communication Theory The new technologies are introducing many changes to mass communication, and communication theories must be developed or revised to keep up with the changes. One of the ways the new technology is affecting mass communication in general is by giving the user more control over the communication process. Cable television channels and videotapes give the audience member access to specialized programs and material, far beyond what is available on the three commercial television networks and public television. Videotext and Teletext offer the user a wide selection of news stories or other information. CompuServe, a computer information service that can be accessed through home computers, has 550,000 subscribers (Couzens, 1989). One CompuServe service called “Quest” gives users access to more than 700 data bases, each of them […]

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Theories of Mass Communication

mass communication, islamabad, Allama Iqbal Open University, Assignments, Examination, results, feedback, forms, free,5635, theories

What does communication theory deal with? What are those theories of mass communication which are relating to the concerns of users? Discuss the various hierarchies of media effects.   Mass communication is part skill, part art, and part science. It is a skill in the sense that it involves certain fundamental learnable techniques such as focusing a television camera, operating a tape recorder, and taking notes during an interview. It is an art in the sense that it involves creative challenges such as writing a script for a television documentary, developing a pleasing and eye-catching layout for a magazine advertisement, and coming up with a catchy, hard-hitting lead for a news story. It is a science in the sense that certain verifiable principles involved in making communication work can be used to achieve specific goals more effectively. Many people want to pigeonhole mass communication as involving one or two of […]

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Effects of Information Technologies

With the existing new technologies and innovations emerging every other day, the information technology is an increasingly interesting platform not just for developers, but also for all sorts of non-technical common people. With the need for making things easier in the daily life and with the technological advancements, more and more daily activities are shifting online. Having said this, the web can be a very useful tool as well as an intimidating proposition at the same time. Computer based technology and information systems are actually quite large and vast spread in their utility, have broader spectrum and details. For instance when anyone uses the web for browsing, sending or receiving e-mails, playing online games or even sharing multimedia files with others, all the data has to pass through a set of complicated networks and soft-wares. There are many processes involved that are responsible for management of such systems. The prime […]

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Communication satellite

Communications satellite is an artificial satellite stationed in space for the purpose of telecommunications. Modern communications satellites use a variety of orbits including geostationary orbits, Molniya orbits, other elliptical orbits and low (polar and non-polar) Earth orbits. For fixed (point-to-point) services, communications satellites provide a microwave radio relay technology complementary to that of communication cables. They are also used for mobile applications such as communications to ships, vehicles, planes and hand-held terminals, and for TV and radio broadcasting, for which application of other technologies, such as cable television, is impractical or impossible A satellite in a geostationary orbit appears to be in a fixed position to an earth-based observer. A geostationary satellite revolves around the earth at the same angular velocity of the earth itself, 360 degrees every 24 hours in an equatorial orbit, and therefore it seems to be in a fixed position over the equator. The launch of […]

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Various Forms of Feedback in Mass Communication

Feed back In its simplest form the feedback principle means that a behavior is tested with reference to its result and success or failure of this result influences the future behavior Though not exactly cut-out for human communication, the Shannon-Weaver model provides clear guidelines for researchers to mark more avenues for graphic presentation of the elements in daily human communication. Forms of feed back There are five main categories of feedback. They are listed in the order in which they occur most frequently in daily conversations. 1. Evaluation Making a judgment about the worth, goodness, or appropriateness of the sender’s statement. 2. Interpretation Paraphrasing – attempting to explain what the sender’s statement means. 3. Support  Attempting to assist or support the sender. 4. Probing Attempting to gain additional information, continue the discussion, or clarify a point. 5. Understanding  Attempting to discover completely what the sender means by his/her statement. Role […]

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What are different types of print media? Which one is effective most in Pakistani Society?

PRINT MEDIA : Print media includes those media of communication which are controlled by space rather than time. It can be read at any available time and can be kept for record. Following are the major print media of mass communication. a)            Books b)            Newspapers c)            Magazines Books : In the past books was not a mass medium but privilege of the elite class. There were two reasons for that. Firstly, books were not printed but transcribed by hand. Secondly, the low literacy level in the masses limited books exclusively to a small fraction of the society. It was the nineteenth century which saw book as a mass medium. In the contemporary world, book is one of the most effective mass media. It is the best source of education. However, it should not be talent merely as an educational tool., It is the best and cheapest means of storing and […]

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