Writing for radio

Writing for radio: Writing for radio is writing for millions including every type of people, educated, uneducated, young and old, men and women from every section of the society. Radio is generally listened in houses where all the members of the family move together. It is therefore necessary that nothing should be there against moral ethics of our society. There are five key principles to be kept in mind while writing radio news. It is spoken, it is immediate, it is person to person, it is heard only once and it is sound only. While it is true that radio news scripts are shorter than most news stories written for print, the radio news writer is still obliged to tell a complete and clear story. Facts needed to put the story into perspective and provide balance which must be included. The most important point regarding style in radio news writing […]

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Electronic Media History & Challenges

In a world influenced by satellite and cyber-space technology, electronic media has a highly significant role to play in shaping the life and destiny of nations. The visual media, notably television, has a stupendous, impact upon moulding human minds and opinion.In the given scenario the electronic media has an onerous responsibility in addressing the socio-economic problems of societies and disseminating unbiased information. This responsibility can be effectively shouldered if the media treads the path of accuracy and objectivity in transmission of its programmes.BRIEF HISTORY: Since independence in 1947 the electronic media in Pakistan remained dominated by the state-run Pakistan Television and Pakistan Broadcasting Corporations. Pakistan Television was launched in November 1964 which switched over to colour transmission 12 years later.As access to diverse sources of information was limited and people could not keep abreast with the rapidly growing developments around them it was decided by the govt opened up electronic […]

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Radio News: Definition, Scope and Characteristics

Radio News: Definition, Scope and Characteristics. There are just as many definitions .of news as there are books and scholars on journalism. Same is the case with the definition of radio news. However all of them emphasize different aspects of the subject. There is something to learn from each one of them. Starting from the common phrase ‘when a dog bites a man it is not a news; when a man bites a dog, it is a news’ we can go through dictionaries and encyclopedias to know as many definitions. In the present day world news can also be an account of an idea or a precise description of a problem. News is current information. But news can also be made out of the indications of what may happen in the near future. No matter how one interprets the definition of news, a good reliable prediction or a speculation must […]

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Public Opinion – The Role of Radio

Public Opinion – The Role of Radio Introduction. There is a growing fear of the stranger, broad generalizations, and negative associations, humiliating and dehumanizing labels attached to refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and immigrants, more and more intolerance, xenophobia and racism are being fostered in host countries towards these groups. To make sure that extremism, discrimination and racism do not gain upper hand of the majority of the populations, a culture of tolerance and peaceful living conditions a massive public education program should be developed and incorporated in our schools, organizations and systems to cultivate acceptance and better understanding of the reasons for the presence of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and creatively use their skills which they bring together to the host countries. In this perspective formal and informal education on the rights and plights of the refugees and asylum seekers and migrants should be integrated. Educational institutions, schools and […]

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RADIO BROADCASTING SYSTEM Broadcasting: Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and/or video signals which transmit programs to an audience. The audience may be the general public or a relatively large sub-audience, such as children or young adults. RADIO BROADCASTING: Broadcasting system is a chain of technically / electronically coupled elements which is used to pick up an ordinary sound wave, convert it to an electrical wave (of some frequency say from 50Hz to 10 Khz) without any change in its parameters. This sound wave is fed to a radio transmitter where its frequency is again raised by combining it to third wave of a higher frequency called the radio frequency. This is the frequency which is allotted to a particular station (in Pakistan a Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) allotted a frequency). This is called the carrier frequency while the wave of the second frequency is called the audio wave. The […]

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Readers often perceive certain photographs as morally “good or bad” as shocking^ distasteful, or unnecessary intrusions into private lives. They often criticise photo journalists for shooting tragic or shocking pictures. The history of photo journalism is filled with examples of photographs of sensational subjects, violent scenes or suffering. The photo journalists who shot these scenes acted instinctively on the obligation to report to public. Other photo journalists, who may have hesitated or backed away because of interference by others, or even owing to their own sensibilities, were simply not doing their job. The fact that photographs can often be shocking is part of the burden of being a photo journalist. there are sime ethus of photo journalism which govern the conduct of photo jot. Midlists and a/so that of editors who decide finally about the fate of a picture i.e. to le published or discarded. In the Pakistani context, the […]

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