Techniques of Interviewing: The following basic guidelines could prove helpful in almost all interview situations: a. Introduce yourself clearly and accurately. b. Be sure to get the person’s name and title. c. Be friendly, sympathetic and courteous. d. Begin the interview with light and interesting question. e. Avoid yes-no questions. f. Ask open questions. g. Don’t be afraid to deviate from the list of prepared questions if you open a new and interesting line of discussion. h. Avoid ambiguous questions. i. Do not bury your head in your notes. • j. 10 Also use a tape recorder while taking notes. k. ! I Keep the interviewee going smoothly but don’t allow him/her to take total control of the situation or to misguide you. l. Never agree to ask only set questions. m. Make sure you understand what the interviews have said. n. Don’t stop probing until complicated points are explained […]
Techniques of WRITING THE FEATURE Story in Electronic Media
Techniques of WRITING THE FEATURE Story in Electronic Media Structure A feature is seldom written in the traditional Inverted pyramid pattern. Feature may be written in a narrative fashion, much like a good joke of anecdote. The good feature requires as much organization as the straight news story, for the feature has to flow smoothly ami parts of a feature story must be kept intact if it is to succeed. In the well-planned story, every paragraph, every sentence, should add to the total effect Leads The lead much attract immediate attention and pull the reader into the story. L eads can vary in style and content. You can use description, narration, dialogue, question, unusual statement, call to action, comparison-contrast. Transition No matter how good the lead js, you need a solid transition into the body of the feature. If you think of the lead as a lure to attract the […]
Feature Story in Electronic Media
Feature Story in Electronic Media: A feature story is any piece of writing that falls between the cut-and-dried news story on the one hand, and the w holly fictionalized story or opinionated essay 011 the other hand. It is the product ol tactual reporting and reporting to which are added story elements of imaginative writing and interpretation. The special feature article is similar to news story in that it gives the readers facts in an interesting form. But it goes beyond those facts by multiplying them with study, research, and interviews to instruct, guide and entertain the readers who know about the subject as well as those who do not know. Feature stories can be news stories. Features can be investigative. Features can be in-depth studies. Features can be for fun. The subject can be anything: places- a community, a farm, a business, topics-education, science, economy, religion, philosophy; events-parades, programmes, […]
Kinds of Reporting
Reporting: Reporting is just a genre of writing, alongside essays and stories, and bloggers most certainly fall into that genre.” When they talk about reporting on a show like Frontline, they mean the process a reporter goes through. 1. Interviews, research. 2. Assemble a story. 3. Fact-checking and editing. 4. Publishing. Most bloggers aren’t doing this whole thing. Our process is different, and I’d argue no less rigorous, just more distributed, and step 2 is something everyone does for themselves. Key point in last night’s piece — sources are part of the reporting process, and more and more, the sources are becoming bloggers. Types of Reporting: GENERAL REPORTING Reporting means gathering facts and presenting them objectively with ail news writing skills. It is an active, creative, long and tough process of news, gathering, ideas and opinion collection, fact finding in order to serve the general public by informing them and […]
A Successful Press Conference
A Successful Press Conference Press conferences take a lot of preparation and staff work. That time is well spent, because a great press conference can mean blanket coverage in newspapers, radio, TV and blogs — but a horrible press conference can haunt you. Here is a good checklist for a good press conference: 1) Timing You’ve got to pick a time that works for TV, newspapers and radio. If it’s too early in the day, reporters will have a hard time getting there. Too late in the day and you’ll be pushing up against deadlines. Mid-morning to noon is good. It’s early enough to give people time to file their stories, but not so early that they’ve got to hop onto the highway and fight traffic the second they get to work. Advanced notice is critical. You’d want to give people a day’s warning about a press conference, if you can. […]
STRUCTURE OF NEWS STORY Information about an event must be put skillfully together is a single package in order to attract the attention of a reader and to facilitate hit. /her in reading the news item more easily besides urging the reader to read the whole news story. Think of the raw material for title story you have to pass on. First of all arrange the different facts/ingredients in your mind and then give them a precise shape. When we refer to the structure of a news story, we simply mean the method or the techniques of presenting and arranging different facts of an event in the news story. It is also known as the presentation techniques, which should be attractive, informative and understandable, so that the reader car. Easily receive maximum information within minimum possible words and time. There are many structures of a news story, in which facts […]