Sociology is subdivided into many specialized fields, of which a partial list includes: Applied Sociology Collective Behaviour Community Comparative Sociology Crime and Delinquency Cultural Sociology Demography Deviant Behaviour Formal Organizations Human Ecology Industrial Sociology Law and Society Race and Ethnic Relations Rural and Urban Sociology tratification and Mobility Social: Change, Control, Organization, arid Psychology Sociology of: Education, Knowledge and Science, Occupations, Professions, Religion, and Small Groups These topics are not the exclusive property of sociology and other disciplines share its interest in many topics. For example, its interest in communication and public opinion is shared by psychology and political, science,-Criminology is shared with psychology, political science, law, and so on. Sociology is especially close to psychology and anthropology, and overlaps them so constantly that any firm boundaries would be arbitrary and unrealistic. (Hurton and Chester, 1984: 25-27) Major Theoretical Perspectives A crucial element in sociology is theory. A theory is […]
Historical Perspective of Sociology
Historical Perspective of Sociology toward understanding the definition of Sociology — All inquiries were once a part of philosophy, that great mother of the sciences, and philosophy embraced them all in an undifferentiated and amorphous fashion. One by one, however, with the growth of Western civilization, the various sciences Cut the apron strings, as it were, and began to pursue separate and independent courses. Astronomy and physics were among the first to break away, and were followed thereafter by chemistry, biology, and geology. In the nineteenth century two new sciences appeared: psychology or the science of human behaviour; and sociology j or the science of human behaviour; and sociology, or the science of human society. Thus, what had once been cosmology, a subdivision of philosophy, became astronomy; what had once been natural philosophy became the science of physics; what had once been mental philosophy, became the science of psychology; and […]
Advertising Agencies in Pakistan
Advertising Agencies in Pakistan In 1947, the advertising industry was in a very miserable condition in Pakistan. Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Delhi were centres of advertising in the sub-continent, but all these cities became part of India. Before independence British and American advertising agencies had hold over the business. Malani and Co. was one of these advertising agencies working in Pakistan but the owner of this agency was also a Hindu. The first advertising agency in Pakistan was Wilintas International Karachi. After some time a number of international advertising agencies opened their offices in different cities of Pakistan. These agencies promoted the business of their international clients in Pakistan. The international advertising agencies dominated the local agencies because the local advertising agencies were suffering prior shortage of resources and well skilled staff was not available to them. The position of helping departments of advertising was also very miserable at the […]
Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency
Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency For a successful advertising campaign, the choice of a right advertising agency is matter of prime importance. The choice of a wrong agency can prove to be very costly. The selection of an agency needs a logical approach. The suitability, agency infrastructure, imaginativeness and image of the agency, its management and rates are the basic factors Which are considered during the selection of an agency. The general qualifications for e Selection of an advertising agency are as follows:
Advertising Agency: Functions and Organization
Advertising Agency: Functions and Organization The advertising agency is a unique type of business organization that has played a significant role in the development and growth of advertising. Advertising agency is an independent business organization. To promote the business of the advertiser through advertising is the main purpose of the advertising agency. It seeks to advance its clients business. By creating advertisements and delivering them through appropriate media, the agencies implement advertising plans and strategies. An agency represents the core of the advertising profession. It has writers, artists, media experts, researchers, television producers, accounts executives etc. All these people work together for the success of an advertising campaign. They develop suitable advertising plans and strategies.An advertising agency provides the advertiser a full package of advertising services. It is responsible for the success and failure of a specific advertisement or even a full campaign. The agency involves studying the characteristics and attributes […]
Advertising Department
Advertising Department The Need of Advertising Department in an Organizational Structure: Advertising is a function of marketing and it works in the market for bigger sales of the product. When a firm or Institution decides to launch an advertising campaign or programme, it needs to have a system and an organization to implement it for the achievement of the desired objectives. Therefore large firms and Institutions have an advertising department to manage the advertising function. In small firms, there may not be a separate department of advertising but the function of advertising is looked after by a responsible person or chief executive of the firm. The advertising department usually depends on outside experts, often the advertising agency which prepares the advertisements, selects appropriate media and arranges to release them. This department is responsible for the advertisement budget and supervises the performance of the agency. An advertising manager has to coordinate […]