EVALUATING THEORY French philosopher André Gide wrote, “No theory is good unless it permits, not rest, but the greatest work. No theory is good except on condition that one uses it to go on beyond” (quoted in Andrews, Biggs, and Seidel, 1996, p. 66). In other words, good theory pushes, advances, improves the social world. There are some specific ways, however, to judge the value of the many theories we will study in this book. When evaluating postpositivist theory, we need to ask these questions: 1. How well does it explain the event, behavior, or relationship of interest? 2. How well does it predict future events, behaviors, or relationships? 3. How testable is it? In other words, is it specific enough in its assertions that it can be systematically supported or rejected based on empirical observation? 4. How parsimonious is it? In other words, is it the simplest explanation possible […]
Page Makeup Design, Importance in Newspapers
what is page makeup design and what is its importance in journalism?? what are the various types used for front page makeup in daily Newspapers? Various Types Used for Front Page Makeup PRODUCTION PROCESS Producing a newspaper requires steady flow and supply of good stories, hard work, films, plates and above all, ingenuity. To keep that flow evenly paced and uninterrupted a newspaper producer requires clear organization, constant supervision and direction, and the most careful and earnest cooperation of his team-mates. Covering, writing.and editing stories; picture taking and editing; and other news gathering responsibilities are done by reporters, editors, and photographers. Planning ahead, making of proper assignments, clearing the news wire machines regularly, editing and proof-reading are essential for efficient production. After the composition of material, the printing process takes place. Engraving department furnishes photocopy type proofs in reverse. A combination of careful planning, reliable lighting equipment, and its regular […]
Ph.D IN MASS COMMUNICATION Admission Open from Allama Iqbal Open Univeristy, Islamabad Ph.D in Mass Communication involves 18 credit hours coursework followed by comprehensive research to generate body of knowledge on the mass communication phenomena. The coursework comprises International Communication and Globalization, Approaches to Mass Communication: Mass Communication Theory and Effects (Part-1), Approaches to Mass Communication: Mass Communication Theories and Effects (Part-2), Media Debates, Content Analysis Research in Mass Communication, and Political Communication. This programme will make students learn the global perspective of Mass Communication, and help them explore media-society relationships. Besides, the students will be able to debate, and independently investigate the issues relating to political and sociological perspectives of Mass Media and Communication at national and international levels. Schedule for submission of Admission Form with Rs.500 Processing Fee: 01-08-2014 to 05-09-2014. Schedule for submission of Admission Form with Rs.1000 Processing Fee: 05-09-2014 to 15-09-2014. Admission Form with Rs.1500 Processing Fee: 15-09-2014 to 25-09-2014. Objectives The Ph.D […]
M Phil Mass Communication from AIOU
M Phil Mass Communication from Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Schedule for submission of Admission Form with Rs.500 Processing Fee: 01-08-2014 to 05-09-2014. Schedule for submission of Admission Form with Rs.1000 Processing Fee: 05-09-2014 to 15-09-2014. Admission Form with Rs.1500 Processing Fee: 15-09-2014 to 25-09-2014. DEPARTMENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION Introduction The Department of Mass Communication was established in 1986 for fulfilling the educational needs of students and for working journalists and media persons at various levels. The Department offered its specialized B.A cluster programme in Mass Communication in 1988 for the first time in the country at graduate level. Students across the country are taking interest in the programme. In 1997 the Department started its M Sc. Mass Communication Programme. Keeping in view the trend of students in studying the phenomenon of Mass Communication, the Department launched advanced studies of M Phil in Mass Communication in 2000. The M Phil imparts the knowledge of evolution and advances in mass […]
DEFINING THEORY – Post Positivism-hermeneutic-critical-normative
Scientists, physical or social (however narrowly or broadly defined), deal in theory.“Theories are stories about how and why events occur…. Scientific theories begin with the assumption that the universe, including the social universe created by acting human beings, reveals certain basic and fundamental properties and processes that explain the ebb and flow of events in specific processes” (Turner, 1998, p. 1). Theory has numerous other definitions. John Bowers and John Courtright offered a traditional scientific definition: “Theories … are sets of statements asserting relationships among classes of variables” (1984, p. 13). So did Charles Berger: “A theory consists of a set of interrelated propositions that stipulate relationships among theoretical constructs and an account of the mechanism or mechanisms that explain the relationships stipulated in the propositions” (2005, p. 417). Kenneth Bailey’s conception of theory accepts a wider array of ways to understand the social world: “Explanations and predictions of social […]
Ours is a society that generally respects and believes its scientists. Science is one of the fundamental reasons why we enjoy our admirable standard of living and have a growing understanding of the world around us. But not all scientists are revered equally. British astronomer and philosopher John D. Barrow opened his 1998 book, Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits, with this observation on the value of science and its practitioners: Bookshelves are stuffed with volumes that expound the successes of the mind and the silicon chip. We expect science to tell us what can be done and what is to be done. Governments look to scientists to improve the quality of life and safeguard us from earlier “improvements.” Futurologists see no limit to human inquiry, while social scientists see no end to the raft of problems it spawns. (p. 1) The physical scientists and engineers […]