What are the sources of change in a society? Also explain the obstacles to change and methods of reducing resistance to change. Perhaps the three most powerful sources of social change today are ideas, technology, and institutions. Expressed in more philosophical terms, we could say sources of social change are ideological, material, and structural. In earlier times, a more simple polarity of understanding claimed that meaning (ideas) arose out of belonging or that belonging arose out of meaningful ideas. In either case, ideas and belonging were understood to be the sources of social change. In earlier centuries, social change was generally regarded as negative. Social order and stability were deemed to be normal, necessary, and not negotiable. Social change was discouraged, negated, put down, or at least limited by established authorities such as kings, religious institutions, tradition, and entrenched powers. The sources of social change were held in check by […]
Scope and Importance of Development Support Communication in Pakistan
Analyze the scope and importance of Development Support Communication in Pakistan. What are the factors for successful Development Support Communication? The practice of Development Support Communication, DSC, is a multi-sectoral process of information sharing about development agendas and planned actions. It links planners, beneficiaries and implementers of development action, including the donor community. It obligates planners and implementers to provide clear, explicit and intelligible data and information about their goals and roles in development, and explicitly provides opportunities for beneficiaries to participate in shaping development outcomes. It ensures that the donor community is kept constantly aware of the achievements and constraints of development efforts in the field. Development Support Communication makes use of all available structures and means of information sharing. Therefore it is not limited to mass media alone. It also uses both formal group and non-formal channels of communication, such as women’s and youth associations, as well as […]
Differentiate it from the terms Development Communication and Development Journalism
Define the term Development Support Communication and differentiate it from the terms Development Communication and Development Journalism. Development Communication Development Communication has been alternatively defined as a type of marketing and public opinion research that is used specifically to develop effective communication or as the use of communication to promote social development. Defined as the former, it often includes computerized linguistics analysis of verbatim responses to qualitative survey interviews and may, at times also involved consumer psychological “right brain” (emotional) research techniques. Defined at the latter, it refers to the practice of systematically applying the processes, strategies, and principles of communication to bring about positive social change. As most providers of “communication development” research use proprietary approaches that cannot be elaborated upon without revealing proprietary trade secrets, the remainder of this article describes the latter definition. “the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from […]
What is Public Relations? Explain the Need and Importance of Public Relations
What is Public Relations? Also explain the need and importance of public Relations. Definition and importance of Public Relations: Public relations has assumed immense importance over the years. The importance of this vital and all embracing discipline can be gauged from the fact that the present information age is also called as the public relations age. As the very name suggests, public relations is a relationship, a liaison or a bridge between an organisation and its publics. International Encyclopaedia of Communication has defined the term public relations as the information activities and policies by which corporations and other organisations seek not only to create attitudes favourable to themselves and their work but also to counter adverse attitudes. According to New Webster’s Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the English Language, public relations is the art and techniques used to promote favourable public opinion. We are reproducing below definitions by some scholars and renowned […]
Various Steps involved in evaluating a Development Support Communication Campaign
Define evaluation and explain various steps involved in evaluating a DSC Campaign. Evaluation Words themselves do not carry the same meanings through time and space. A word which gave a specific meaning a hundred years ago may not give the same meanings today – for scores of reasons. Similarly meanings of same words are changed at some distance. A verbal message which once stood for certain meanings, may not always stand for the same meanings because static meaning evaluation does not hold in any language. Various steps involved in evaluating a DSC Campaign The term can be described as development planning and implementation in which adequate action is taken of human behavioral factors in the design of development project and their objectivities. It addresses development planning and the plan of operation for implementation. It (DSC) stands for linking all agencies involved in the planned development works such as political executives, […]
Problems & Issues faces by Development Support Communication Manager
What are the problems and issues being faced by a DSC Manager while launching DSC Campaign in Pakistan? There are different factors, which may act as problem to communication a result in no communication of message; the chief factors that affect the development support communication are the following: 1. Noise 2. Distortions 3. Filtering 4. Selective Perceptions 5. Language 6. Non-Verbal Cues 7. Defects In Message Itself 8. Deficiency In Communication Skills 9. Difference in Understanding Levels 10. Emotional Status 11. Stereotyping 12. Gender Difference 1 Noise: Noise is most commonly regarded factor that interfaces with sharing meaning. Noise may be internal or external? Internal voices are sights, sound or any other thing that draws a person’s attention away from what is being communicated to him. Internal noises are thoughts and feelings that interface with the communication process. Another sort of noise is semantic noise. Semantic noises are the unintended […]